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What clients are saying

"One of the best investments I have made in myself has been to go through the coaching experience with Bobby. No magic formula here, Bobby assists you all the way to challenge yourself with simple but powerful tools. The sessions and exercises lead me to a clear understanding that it's very much within my reach to live a more fulfilling and prosperous existence. I'm very happy to have met my coach and be able to count on him for this beautiful and never ending journey of personal growth."


--Cristina C.




"I engaged Bobby Sparks as a coach to work on one specific concern; but in the first session, he asked a question that revealed what really was the emotional underpinning of that concern.  It caught me by surprise at how quickly he detected the true issue. Using a structured process for analyzing how one “shows up for life,” he helped me detect patterns of mind that were holding me back. This way of analyzing the kind of energy we bring to the tasks at hand allows for awareness which leads to growth. His non-judgmental manner invites the client’s trust. He is professional and punctual about calling the client when scheduled, but if the conversation extends over the typical hour-long session, he doesn’t immediately cut off the client. His generosity of spirit and analytic skills make for a winning combination in a coach. 


I recommend Bobby to those who are stuck or otherwise bewildered and earnestly wish to take a look at how to move forward."


--Dee C.

"I first started working with Bobby Sparks at a time of major readjustments in my life, on practically every front:  work, marriage, geography, finances.  During the aftermath of these, in which I was recovering and trying to cope, I found myself unable to make - or even identify - the decisions and choices I needed to move forward.


Through many ‘coaching’ conversations with Bobby over a few months’ time, things became more and more clear as we found ways to approach the issues, considering each of them separately and setting reasonable schedules for accomplishing small steps towards gaining clarity on each of them.


Bobby’s approach was always lucid, patient, thoughtful, upbeat and articulate, and he never in any way ‘pushed’ me to recognize things that were perhaps obvious to him.  He was simply my gentle guide through it all, until I reached the point where I was able to recognize and accomplish some major actions that were necessary to unlock the key obstacles which were keeping me ‘stuck’.  It was extremely freeing and revelatory, and Bobby always insisted that I’d arrived at these conclusions and actions completely through my own hard work.


I’ve never had a ‘life-coaching’ experience before and have always been pretty dubious about this sort of thing.  But from the moment I started working with Bobby I found myself freely able to express and explore the major transitional situations I was facing all at once, and to sort through them with his clear-eyed help.


As life goes on, and things continue to subtly shift in different ways, I continue to appreciate my ongoing work with Bobby. He keeps me centered, forward-looking and clear-thinking on the various priorities as they emerge.  I am immensely grateful for his help and skill in keeping me on a constructive and coherent life path through my own life."


--Mary M.

"When I first met with Bobby I was feeling sad and empty.  I was grappling with a career transition and rocky divorce, which resulted in me selling everything and leaving the country. Not surprisingly, running from responsibilities, material possessions, and relationships did not remove pain, just as seeking adventure and novelty did not add fulfillment. It wasn't until I began exploring deeper through Bobby's gentle, yet supportive guidance that I began forging purpose and direction that were truly mine. His intuitive sense helped me strip away a facade, but then provided refreshing perspective as to capitalize on my real strengths and desires. Bobby has been the most empowering influence in my adult life, and the best coach and friend I could ask for."


--Andy R.

"Bobby is a compassionate coach and a wonderful listener. He’s great at staying objective while asking insightful questions and has a gentle, calming presence. I often come into my coaching calls feeling stressed, and—without fail—by the end of every session, I’m breathing a little easier. In an almost magical way, my blood pressure lowers as we talk, and I leave each call feeling better.

Specific things Bobby has helped me with include:

  • Raising my energy and keeping it high!

  • Increasing my awareness around the assumptions that hold me back and giving me practical ways to work through those inner blocks.

  • Confidence – he has helped me to believe in myself and trust my own intuition

Bobby has a gift for holding space for his clients while keeping them on track and propelling them forward. He is a fantastic coach, and I highly recommend him."


--Sarah M.

"Coaching with Bobby Sparks was amazing.  For the first time in a very long time I felt I was truly heard, understood and acknowledged.  Bobby’s gift of listening and providing a safe place to explore my old beliefs and forge new ones was an experience worth doing over and over.  He challenged me when I needed it and just listened when I needed it.  His sense of humor made me laugh countless times and he allowed me to cry with no judgement.  Bobby Sparks' coaching is definitely a life-time investment that will pay for itself tenfold."


--Teresa G.

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