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I am proud to be certified to offer both the Energy Leadership Index and the EQi2.0/EQ360 - listed as 2 of the 3 top assessments for executives according to the Forbes Coaches Council.

Energy Leadership Index

Energy Leadership Index Assessment

About the Energy Leadership Index


What if you could gain invaluable insight into the filters through which you see yourself and your world and then decide whether or not those filters are working for or against you? This is the essence of the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI). Through our everyday life experiences we, often unconsciously, build up biases and judgements about who we are and the environment in which we live. This is completely natural if you take a look at how our brains function. These biases and judgments are our brain's way of trying to protect us from pain and suffering based on our histories. The problem is that without shining some light on these "filters", we may be holding ourselves back from living the lives we truly desire. Think about how one person views a certain situation with great joy and enthusiasm, while another sees the exact same scenario with fear and dread. Why is that? It's all in the filters. The ELI is an excellent tool to help us build the awareness that allows us to decide how we want to show up in life.


For more information, please click here or on the Energy Leadership Index logo above.

Web copy used by permission. No reproduction or retransmission is permitted without expressed written consent of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). 

EQi 2.0

EQi2.0 and EQ360 Assessments

What is Emotional Intelligence?


Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.


Why is EI important?


Emotional Intelligence is proven to be a key indicator of human performance and development. People higher in EI communicate effectively, form strong relationships, and create powerful coping strategies. EI can be measured – more accessibly and less controversially than IQ – and unlike IQ, it can be substantially strengthened and developed.


The science behind the EQi2.0


For almost 20 years, consultants and organizations have trusted the science that underpins the EQ-i 2.0® (and its predecessor the EQ-i 1.0) to help improve human performance. The EQ-i 2.0 is a psychometric assessment which measures emotional intelligence and how it can impact people and the workplace. Being the first scientifically validated measure of EI, coupled with research from premier organizations, means you can count on the EQ-i 2.0 to add robustness and accuracy to your talent management initiatives.


What is the EQ360?


The Emotional Quotient 360 (EQ 360) is an emotional intelligence assessment that allows leaders to receive feedback from peers, managers, direct reports, and others on how they leverage their emotional intelligence. It is based on the EQ-i2.0, but designed for 360-style feedback.


For more information on the EQi2.0 and EQ360, please click on the logos above.

Web copy used by permission. No reproduction or retransmission is permitted without expressed written consent of MHS Assessments.

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