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Bobby Sparks

After 20+ years of corporate experience working for telecom companies (including several start-ups) in engineering, operations, marketing, and management, I came to a crossroads.


My wife received a job offer in Santiago, Chile and we jumped at the chance to live abroad. After taking a sabbatical to study Spanish, I realized that I was ready for a new career challenge. Not knowing yet exactly what that was, I hired my first coach.

Through that experience my path quickly became clear; I realized that the greatest impact I could have on organizations and individuals was by becoming a coach myself. It was a perfect fit for my personality and experience and actually felt like I had come full circle, as I had originally studied psychology in college (at the University of California, San Diego). For some time, there had been a stirring inside telling me that my real calling was to help others in some way.


Since then, I have become a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through iPEC Coaching and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). After spending 3 years in Santiago and another 4 in Mexico city, my wife and I now live in New York City, from where I provide executive leadership coaching in the US and Latin America in both English and Spanish. When I’m not coaching, I can often be found exploring other cultures, playing some form of music, or engaging in activities to continue trying to become the best human I can be.

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